Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidancewhy such question is raised? That is the most unfortunate situation.
So if we have heart ailment and want to repair our we go to carpenter?
If answer is already know why do you go to trained...counsellor for scientific,realistic,practical,feasible,unbiased solution....
I consider career counsellors role to that of a Doctor .Like what a qualified doctor does is to talk to u patiently,understand your pain points ,probes further on the short term and long term implications of all that the patient has to say and based on all that either recommends a test for diagnosis followed by a remedy or otherwise offer a suitable remedy rightaway.
An expert career counsellor acts like a doctor ....she understands your core values /skills /interest /aptitude .....your choice or selection of a preferred career path ....analyses the possibilities ,implications,and last but not the least suggests you alternatives,or mentors you to tread that path of your choice.
Remember ,career is not something "one size firs all".Each individual is unique and should be guided in a unique ,customused way to acheive their career goals.
Hence consulting an expert career counsellor can save a lot of time and frustration in later years of life.
Hope that helps!!!
Durga yadav
Certified career counsellor cum career coach
Time and tide waits for none.Choosing a wrong a career path not only rob peace from mind but also wasted your valuable years.We live 50% of our life with our choosen career.It affect our earning capasity and quality of life.So choosing the best career option is very important.
An expert career counselor can help us to find our best fitted career option.we cant predict the personality,interest,skill and ability just by observing someone.A career counselor with help of a psychomertic test can identify the traits and give the suggestion accordingly.
So while you are taking an important decision of your life ,its better to take an expert advice.
In today’s world, there is no dearth of data and information, but to have the in-depth knowledge in a particular field takes a lot of effort and time in understanding the information and data available. To be able to guide a student in the right field based on his/her interests and credentials requires the correct knowledge. That’s what an expert career counsellor does, specialises in the field, understands the requirements of the student and guides him/her in the correct career path. So it is essential that career counselling is handled by experts in the field.
Career counselor helps you to find the right path of career . Counselor helps you to discover your strengths, qualities,skills in you . Good counselor makes many people life on the right and fruitful path.